Friday 27 April 2012


Even in Spain, when people think about a Macaque ("Macaco" in Spanish), the first image coming to  their heads is that of a little monkey.

But there is a small region in the South of Spain where the  image of a Macaque is very different.


If you ever come to Spain, you can not miss visiting Arahal: The true Macaque´s town.
Twenty minutes away from Seville right there in the highway to Malaga, you can enjoy real Spain to a lower price and to better quality.
Arahal is the world first producer of table olives; but not only that, Arahal is an undiscovered gastronomy center, where weather and people will make you enjoy life.
Many restaurants will be eager to make you happy to prices as low as seven or ten Euros per person during all year long. And it will be even better if you visit us in our happiest days, when we celebrate the "Feria del Verdeo", it is the feast when we celebrate that we are we are going to use our Macacos to pick olives for the rest of the world.
People drink Fino & manzanilla wine, and eat real Iberic ham and olives in the first days of September, when the most beautiful dark women dress in their "gitana" suits.